What is the exchange rate for USD to EUR when depositing via Credit card/Skrill to a EUR account/Internal transfer?

1 min. readlast update: 03.15.2022

Nozax does everything possible to ensure our clients have the best rates while depositing. 

We also don’t charge any commission, and cover deposit and withdrawal fees applied by payment systems. 

When depositing via Visa, be aware the bank involved in the process will convert your funds according to its exchange rate, if your deposit is in a currency other than EUR or USD. Note that the bank involved in the process may also charge additional fees for the transactions. 

If a client deposits via Skrill, they pay no extra fees if their Skrill account and trading account are in USD. If the client’s Skrill account is in USD and their trading account is in EUR, the deposit in USD will be converted to EUR as per the FX rate. If a client’s Skrill account is in currency other than USD, Skrill will convert the money into USD using their own exchange rate and may charge additional fees. 

The process of depositing via Neteller is the same as for Skrill.

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